Taxonomy: f. Culicidae
Animal: Mosquito (epidemiology) 3. 18.jpg
Collection of mosquitoes in traps in a study on the distribution and movement of engorged females of Anopheles gambiae, a major man biting mosquito in The Gambia see Boreham and Port. 1982. Bull. Ent. Res. 72: 489-495. see Boreham - paper presented to Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. In Boreham 1988. DSc for methods of sampling vectors. PFL Boreham did a significant amount of research on blood meals of mosquitoes and other arthropods to answer epidemiological questions. Work to investigate the significance of multiple feeding by Peter and his colleagues was supported by WHO and MRC grants - see Boreham. PFL. 1988. DSc.
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